Jan Jilek
Deputy Head of Unit Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety – European Commission
Jan Jilek was appointed Deputy Head of the Unit in 2017, in the unit responsible for the Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety in Directorate D (Nuclear Energy, Safety and ITER) of DG Energy of the European Commission. From 2015- 2017 he worked as the policy Assistant to the Director of Directorate D and from 2012 – 2015 as a legal officer in the same Directorate. In his current function, he is involved, inter alia, in the monitoring of the transposition and implementation of the amended Nuclear Safety Directive (NSD) and the Basic Safety Standards Directive. He took part in the preparation of the Commission’s proposal amending the 2009 NSD and in the ensuing Council’s discussions resulting in the adoption of the revised NSD in 2014. He has both legal and philology background from the Charles University in Prague with a postgraduate diploma in Law of the European Union from Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris.
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