Powering the Future: Policy & Siting Strategies for New Nuclear

28 April – Brussels, Belgium

An event co-organised in partnership with the Permanent Representation of the
Republic of Poland to the EU and the Polish Ministry of Industry

Date: 28 April, – 9.00 – 13.30
Place: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union – Avenue de Cortenbergh 16, 1000 Brussels.


The European Union is committed to providing secure and affordable energy for its competitive industry and all citizens. Nuclear energy, accounting for almost one quarter of the electricity produced in the EU and representing 50% of the low-carbon electricity, plays a crucial role in responding to these urgent needs.

In recent months, numerous initiatives have emerged to underscore the pivotal role of nuclear energy in the EU’s decarbonisation efforts. The Nuclear Alliance of the EU Member States has recognised that nuclear could provide up to 150 GW of electricity capacity by 2050 in the EU compared to the approximately 100 GW of today. This will entail significant investments in new-built nuclear reactors.

Within this context, Poland has decided to embark in a significant nuclear investment program in order to operate a paradigm shift and power the country, its industry and households with a low carbon technology. In order to complete all the necessary steps to build its first nuclear power plant, including large reactors and SMR and Advanced Modular Reactors, many issues need to be taken into account.

This workshop wishes to focus on the key elements for development and deployment of nuclear, namely policies and siting.

The purpose of the workshop is to engage with all stakeholders that can advance in nuclear development, including policymakers, developers, end users and regions, communities and municipalities. The first panel will focus on policy measures to support investments in the next generation of nuclear reactors. The second panel will focus on the issue of the siting of new nuclear plants, covering topics such as the localisation of nuclear plants, protecting human health and the environment in a community-driven way, while balancing risk-based economic opportunities.

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