Bernard Salha, president of SNETP
Bernard Salha, president of SNETP (Sustainable Energy Technology Platform) since June 2019, was appointed Chief Technical Officer of EDF Group in June, 2018.
He’s also Senior Executive Vice President of EDF Group, President of EDF Research and Development (EDF R&D) since spring, 2010. With more than 2000 researchers, EDF R&D covers all the Group’s activities, upstream in the field of generation (nuclear, thermal, hydro and renewable), and downstream in the fields of transport and distribution grids, energy management and customer relationship and management. At present, the R&D Division is organised on a multi-site basis. Three are located in France in the greater Paris area and six worldwide: Germany, United Kingdom, China, United States, Singapore and Italy.
He was previously, since early 2005, Director of the Nuclear Engineering Division (DIN), after having held various senior positions in engineering units at EDF. He participated to the China’s Nuclear Power Program (LingAo I) for 3 years in China. He started his career at the French Ministry of Defence.
Bernard Salha is a graduate of the French Ecole Polytechnique, the foremost engineering school in France, and a Chief Engineer of Ponts et Chaussées.
Bernard Salha received the insignia of Chevalier of the “Legion d’honneur”.
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