Lavinia Rizea
Lavinia Rizea, atomic energy attaché at the Romanian Permanent Representation. She has joined the Perm Rep in January 2022 and has worked on nuclear and other energy related files. She was involved with the debates on the Complementary Delegated Act, Renewable energy directive, Gas and Hydrogen package. Before that, she worked briefly at the Ministry of Energy as seniour counsellor for European Affairs. She was previosly the head of internal and external communication at SN Nuclearelectrica SA company in Romania, the operator of Cernavoda nuclear power plant. In this capacity, she was responsible for public engagement and promotion of nuclear power and Romania’s strategic projects at national and international level. She holds an MBA in Consulting Management from SP Jain School of Global Management, an MA in Communication from the National School for Political and Administrative Studies of Romania and a bachelor degree in Sociology from the University of Bucharest.