Hydrogen from Nuclear Power: Technology Perpectives


Webinar recording now available! 

On 12 September 2023, nucleareurope organised its second webinar dedicated to hydrogen from nuclear power. This edition focused on the latest technological developments. Furthermore, it emphasised the importance of having the right political and financial support in place. Topics covered included: technological developments and the efficiency of the different hydrogen production methods, relevant policy updates, outcomes of feasibility studies and challenges identified, as well as examples of support provided by other countries (eg the US).


  • Policy updates – Lavinia Rizea, Atomic Energy Attaché, Permanent Representation of Romania
  • Nuclear produced hydrogen: feasibility and challenges – Canet Serin, Project Manager H2 Technologies & Battery Solutions (Framatome), NPHyCo
  • Industrial incentives: Inflation Reduction Act & REPowerEU – Levi Larsen, Energy Economist, Idaho National Laboratory
  • Hydrogen from an intensive user’s perspective – Chris Lefrère, Project Manager, WaterstofNet
  • Nuclear’s place in the hydrogen value chain – Luc Chabaudie, Head of Technology & Innovation – Morocco, CAPGEMINI

The full webinar recording is now available below


Levi Larsen

Chris Lefrère

Lavinia Rizea

Canet Serin

Should you have any questions please contact: guilherme.cardoso@nucleareurope.eu

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