Nuclear: a strategic industry serving Europe

20 – 21 June 2023 – Lyon, France

Myrto Tripathi – President & Founder of The Voices of Nuclear and RePlanet France

Myrto Tripathi is an energy-transition specialist, particularly interested in the role of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change. Since 2018, she is the president and founder of two European NGOs The Voices of Nuclear and RePlanet France and sits on the board of the RePlanet Alliance. Her objective through these organizations is to actively promote the use of science and technology to simultaneously address the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and human development.

Prior to this, Myrto had 10 years of experience in the nuclear industry, in strategy and sales roles, including as EPR Offer Director in charge of managing and leading the nuclear reactor’s export negotiations. In 2015, she decided to join the UN Global Compact to participate, as Climate Policy Director, in the negotiations of the Paris Agreement and for 3 years participated in the different COPs, working on topics as varied as business involvement in climate negotiations and pathways, global mapping of the pollution of the environment, or deforestation and aviation carbon footprint reduction.

She holds two degrees in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University and in business management from HEC Paris. She is the author of La Bataille pour le Climat (Battle for Climate) published by Genèse Edition in 2020. She also teaches at Science Po Paris, France’s top public affairs higher education school, and makes regular interventions in the media.