Nuclear: a strategic industry serving Europe

20 – 21 June 2023 – Lyon, France

Olivier Bard- Director General, GIFEN

Olivier Bard has led the French nuclear industry association (GIFEN – Groupement des Industriels Français de l’Energie Nucléaire) as Chief Executive Officer since November 2022.

Previously, he held several executive positions in France and abroad within EDF. He was successively head of department at the Paluel nuclear power plant, chief of staff of the executive director in charge of generation and engineering, deputy general manager of the Chinese joint venture owning-operating the 2 EPRs in Taishan during their construction, then project director on the French bid relative to a nuclear program in South Africa.

From 2017 to 2022, he led the development of the New Nuclear France program that led to the submission of the proposition to the French government, by EDF together with its supply chain.

He has 25+ years of experience in large-scale industrial projects and in the nuclear sector.

He graduated from Centrale-Supéléc (MScEng) and INSEAD (MBA).