Key takeaways from the Pathways to 2050

The role of nuclear in a low-carbon Europe report webinar

 Join us for our upcoming webinar

8 November 2024, 13:00-14:30

More nuclear will lead to faster decarbonisation at lower costs, and greater security of supply.

These are the findings of the recently released “Pathways to 2050: the role of nuclear in a low-carbon Europe” study, conducted by Compass Lexecon on behalf of nucleareurope.

Join us online on 8 November to learn more about the main takeaways from the report, and to discuss its implications for the EU energy policy.

The agenda of the webinar* includes:

  • Compass Lexecon presentation of the report
  • nucleareurope’s own takeaways on the report
  • Impulse statements from different stakeholders
  • Q&A session

More information about the report can be found on our website

*Please note that the webinar will be recorded. The recording will be made available to all participants after the event.

Should you have any questions please contact: