About the event
Join us on 20 & 21 June 2023 in Lyon for this year’s #NuclearEurope2023 conference!
The event will kick-off with a dinner on the evening of 20 June, followed by a full day conference on 21 June.
The NuclearEurope2023 conference will focus on nuclear both as a strategic European industry and as an enabler for the larger low-carbon European industrial base. Topics to be covered include:
- Europe’s competitiveness
- Energy sovereignty
- A strong European supply chain
- Role of nuclear in achieving the climate targets
- Extending the life of the existing nuclear fleet
- Nuclear new build
- Workforce and skills
Mark your diaries today and watch this space for more details and a full list of speakers!

Organised by Nucleareurope

Hosted by Gifen
GOLD Sponsor
SILVER Sponsors
BRONZE Sponsor
For more information, please contact Jessica.johnson@nucleareurope.eu
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