International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Abstract Submission
The Programme Committee is seeking abstracts which present examples of Management System applications and Quality Management. The abstract (max. 500 words) should summarise the objectives of the work, the main challenges, the main steps and findings and lessons learned. Presentations and posters are being sought on a wide variety of topics with an emphasis on practical examples of good practices in the area of management system development, implementation and continuous improvement. Examples which fall under this scope can be found here
Still have something to share? Although the abstract deadline has closed, we realize people get busy. We encourage you to submit your abstract for our review. You’ve worked hard on your idea and we want to hear from as many of you as possible! We can’t guarantee to get back to you at the same time as those who submitted on time, but you will hear from us within 2-3 weeks of uploading your abstract. We look forward to considering your proposal for a poster or presentation! Thank you for putting in the time and for your interest in our event
Next steps:
All abstracts are currently being reviewed by the International Programme Committee consisting of FORATOM Management System Task Force members and a wide range of representatives from regulatory bodies, the IAEA, industry, associations and universities. A confirmation on whether your abstract has been accepted for an oral presentation or poster format will be sent out by 15 March. The date and time of your intervention will be communicated in April. Each presenter will have between 10-20 minutes to present their project (either as an oral presentation or poster format) during dedicated sessions. In order to give maximum visibility to poster presenters, the poster panels will be prominently displayed at the venue with presenters expected to be onsite during the session(s) of relevance to their poster.
Confirmed presenters
In the event your abstract has been selected (Presentation or Poster):
- Presentation: You should submit you final power point presentations to the organisers by Friday 22 June 2018 using the following online submission form.
- Poster: If you are presenting a poster at the conference, we will take care of printing for you in Canada. Simply upload a PDF of your poster using the online submission form, and we will have your poster printed and posted at the conference. The deadline for uploading posters for printing in Canada is June 22. More information on print specifications can also be found on the Presentation submission page
Abstract submission is closed!
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