International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Sponsorship opportunities
This Conference offers standard benefits and an enterprising new menu-based approach to recognition. Sponsors will be able to associate their sponsorship with various Conference elements using a menu. Based on the level of sponsorship, your company can be associated with one or multiple items from the sponsorship menu.
The sponsorship levels are (CAD)*
- Distinction $30,000 or more
- Empowerment $25,000
- Leadership $20,000
- Achievement $15,000
- Stewardship $10,000
- Mentor $5,000
- Supporter $2,000
*An additional Canadian Harmonised Sales Tax (HST) may apply
For more information please contact:
Emilia Janisz, FORATOM
Susan Brissette, BRUCE POWER.
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