Fred Dermarkar
President and Chief Executive Officer – CANDU Owners Group (COG)
Fred Dermarkar is the President and CEO of the CANDU Owners Group (COG), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping operators of CANDU and Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors worldwide to achieve excellence through collaboration in research and development, joint projects and information exchange.
He has worked in the Canadian nuclear industry since 1981, and, prior to his role at COG, he held a variety of technical and senior management positions at Ontario Power Generation (OPG) in support of Design, Commissioning, Operation and Refurbishment of its CANDU NPPs. He retired from OPG as the Vice President of Engineering Strategy in February 2014 to assume his current role. In October 2013, Fred was named a recipient of the WANO Nuclear Excellence Award. He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1981 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

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