International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
James Joseph Hutto
Business Modernization Director – Southern Nuclear Operating Company
James Joseph (“JJ”) Hutto joined Southern Nuclear Company in 1998 as a junior engineer at Farley Nuclear Plant, located in Dothan, Alabama. He began his career in maintenance, and was instrumental in improving diesel generator reliability and availability at the station. After receiving his Senior Reactor Operator License in 2001, he progressed through several leadership roles, including Unit Shift Supervisor, Shift Manager, Shift Operations Manager, Operations Director, and Engineering Director. In 2013, he was named Plant Manager at Farley, and later transitioned to the Southern Nuclear Corporate office, where he served as the Fleet Nuclear Fuels and Analysis Director and the Fleet Regulatory Affairs Director. In 2018, JJ was selected to serve as Director of the Business Modernization Project for Southern Nuclear Company. In this new role, he is responsible for improving the company’s business outcomes by leveraging technology and innovative ideas to streamline operations, reduce costs, and eliminate non-value-added tasks.
JJ received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1998, after serving a 2-year service mission in Italy. He has completed the INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Manager’s Course, and has mentored numerous leadership courses both at INPO and at Southern Nuclear.
JJ and his wife Natalie have 4 children (ages 20, 18, 13 and 7), and they currently live in Birmingham, Alabama. He has served as a member of the District Executive Committee for the Boy Scouts of America and is an Eagle Scout himself. Additionally, he has volunteered in various other civic organizations, including his church and the Alabama Power Service Organization. JJ enjoys traveling with his wife, participating in sports with kids, working on the farm, hunting, fishing, and restoring classic cars.

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