International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Pamela R Duerden
Environment, Health and Safety & Quality Director – Magnox Ltd.
As an EHSS&Q (Environment, Health and Safety) professional, I have had a career spanning over 30 years in the UK nuclear industry. I have held roles at all management levels, and within a range of nuclear fuel cycle activities, including Corporate Centre function management, Fuel Manufacture, Power Generation, Research and Development and Reprocessing. Within these roles, I have also experienced most lifecycle phases through facility construction to decommissioning.
Most recently, I have become the EHSS&Q Director for Magnox Ltd in the UK, leading the EHSS&Q function across a 12-site reactor decommissioning organisation, with our first reactor site due to close during 2018.
My key strengths are in change management, policy and standard development and implementation, and also in Leadership and Management for Safety/ Safety Culture. I have been privileged to work with IAEA on their GSR-Part 2 standard on Leadership and Management for Safety, and on a related leadership development module.
I hold a Batchelor of Science degree in Combined Sciences (Physics and Chemistry).

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