International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Rob Fletcher
President Civil Nuclear – Rolls-Royce
- Rob is the President of Civil Nuclear at Rolls-Royce, a global nuclear services business with capabilities situated in the UK, France, US and Canada and regional offices in the Czech Republic and China.
- During Rob’s 30 years in the nuclear industry, he has been proud to work for organisations that provide nationally important, high integrity products and services: the UK Atomic Energy Authority; the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE); and Rolls-Royce.
- He has gained a broad set of skills and experiences including: nuclear and explosive site operations; crisis management; structuring and negotiating multi-billion pound contracts; leading large complex integrated programmes; whole business transformation; and leading a plc Board.
- In addition, Rob has gained significant experience working with shareholders, senior stakeholders from the UK and US Governments, UK industry and UK regulators. Some of the highlights have been; the provision of nuclear warhead “super-containers” to Russia, and supporting UK counter-terrorism operations, including support to Government ministers at the Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR).
- Rob left AWE having been its Acting Managing Director and joined Rolls-Royce in July 2015 to strengthen and grow its nuclear businesses.
- Rob has an honours degree in Chemical Engineering, a Masters Degree in Business Administration, a Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors and is a Chartered Engineer.
- Rob is married to Hayley, who works at AWE as the Group Leader Nuclear Material Operations; they have three children. Rob enjoys travelling with his family, skiing, photography and classic motorcycles.

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