International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Stuart Allen
ONR Professional Lead, Human and Organisational Capability – UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation
Stuart works for the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation and is their Professional Lead for the Organisational Capability specialism that includes their supply chain, quality and leadership and management for safety sub-groups.
He has worked in the UK nuclear industry for over 30 years, and prior to joining ONR in 2013, he has held a variety of senior engineering, operational, assurance and commercial roles across the generation and decommissioning sectors.
He is a chartered engineer who has focused much of his recent career on establishing arrangements to enhance supply chain performance enabling safe and reliable nuclear operations.
He is the Chairperson of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme – Vendor Inspection Cooperation Working Group. An international cohort of supply chain regulation specialists whose main objectives are to cooperate on vendor inspection activities, share related regulatory experience and pursue opportunities to harmonise best practice approaches.

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