International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Susan Oh
Standards Director, Power Generation – CSA Group
Susan Oh is Director at Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group), an independent, not-for-profit membership based association dedicated to safety, social good and sustainability.
In her role as Director, Susan oversees the CSA Nuclear Program, working with staff and multi-stakeholder groups to develop and maintain safety standards that support the nuclear industry – standards that promote the safe and reliable operation of nuclear energy in Canada. With over 50 nuclear related standards and guidelines currently published, many of which represent the technical requirements for compliance with regulation, these documents are developed through the combined efforts of over 500 expert volunteers, representing industry, government and general interest groups.
Susan has over 15 years of experience in project management and engineering work, with 9 years working in standards development. In addition to the nuclear program, Susan also oversees the development of standards in the Petroleum and Natural Gas sector at CSA. Susan holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree (B.A.Sc.) in Material Science Engineering from the University of Toronto.

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