International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Wendy Anyster
Director, Consulting Occupational Psychologist – The Leadershipvine Ltd
Wendy is the Director of the Leadershipvine Ltd – a consulting occupational psychology practice which delivers evidence-based solutions to increase leadership capability and positively impact organisational culture, performance and productivity.
Wendy has international experience in working with Nuclear Power Plant and corporate senior leadership teams, human performance, organisational learning and continuous improvement specialists. She has worked in the Nuclear Industry for over 25 years and prior to becoming a consultant, held several specialist and management roles in the Organisational Effectiveness and Human Resources Divisions of Koeberg Nuclear Power Station and Peaking Generation, Eskom. Since moving to the UK in 2010, she has worked with organisations like EDF Energy (Nuclear Generation), WANO (World Association of Nuclear Operators), and the IAEA, where she serves as an expert contributor in the development of industry guidelines on behavioural assessment for safety critical roles and nuclear leadership development guidelines.
She is driven by her passion to contribute to creating psychologically safe work environments, where people will feel safe to do their best thinking and engage in behaviour that promotes continuous learning, improvement and innovation.

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