International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Thursday 19 July 2018
Registration & Information Desk Opens – Hydrations Stations Sponsored by: Abraflex
08.00 – 08.30
Getting Started Morning Coffee – Sponsored by: ScottMadden
08.30 – 10.45
Plenary Session
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Chair: Pekka Pyy, Senior Expert, Organization and Management Systems, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
08.35: How Standards Make a Difference: a Discussion: Standards have an enormous impact on safety, the environment, the global economy and can help foster the wider acceptance and adoption of new or innovative technologies. The value of any standard increases when industry, academia, governments, regulators, and consumers all have an opportunity to participate in its creation and continued development. In this discussion, CSA Group’s President of Standards, Mary Cianchetti, will shed light on how standards are designed to be interconnected to benefit multiple industries and shares why the collaboration and participation of people from all walks of life are critical in addressing current and future challenges facing the world around us.
Mary Cianchetti, President Standards, CSA Group (Canada)
08.55: Report from each Parallel Session Chair – Key Learnings
10.05: Storyteller Series – Beowulf and the Dark Side of the Golden Hoard: The session will remind us that we came to the Conference entirely for the sake of stories: to hear stories from the platform, to exchange stories in discussion and, most critically, to leave with some of our self-narratives adjusted and re-written. It will use the Old English poem Beowulf to trace the archetypal journey of self and cultural identity through Beowulf’s encounters in the known and unknown worlds, and will finish with the question “What is the dark side of our golden hoard?”
Charles Packer, President, Cherrystone Management Inc. (Canada)
10.45 – 11.05
Networking break with Refreshments
11.05 – 12.40
Parallel session: Management System Implementation Lessons Learned
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Chair: Irina Florenta Marin, PhD, Head of Management System Department,Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (Romania)
11.10: A New Design Control Process and its Impact on the Management System
Mario Agadakis, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (Argentina)
11.25: Experience from SKB Developing a Management System, Finding the Balance between Process Management and Line Management, in a Strong Line Management Culture with Local Culture
Pierre Arvidsson, Senior Adviser – Quality Development Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB (Sweden)
11.40: Quality Management System for the SLOWPOKE-2 Facility of Polytechnique Montreal
Cornelia Chilian, Senior Research Scientist and SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor Manager and Director of the NAA Laboratory, Polytechnique Montreal (Canada)
11.55: What a Nuclear New Build could Learn from Anti Money Laundering establishment in a Bank? A Case Study
Pawel Lotko, Independent Consultant (Poland)
12.10: Discussion
Parallel session: Human and Organizational Performance
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Chair: Suzanne Dolecki, Senior Human Factors Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Chair of the Working Group on Human and Organizational Performance (Canada)
11.10: Role of EDF Corporate in Performance Improvement and leadership initiative
Hervé Maillart, Vice President, International Projects, EDF (France)
11.25: HTO Considerations for Organizational Development – Creation of the Life Extension Division
Mickael Davaze, Manager, Life Extension, Bruce Power (Canada)
11.40: Management of Change at CNE Cernavoda
Ionut Zaharov, Senior Engineer, S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. – Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (Romania)
11.55: Expanding our Notion of Health and Safety: Leveraging Innovative Solutions to Impact Safety and Incidents
Sapna Mahajan, Director, Programme and Priorities, Mental Health Commission of Canada (Canada)
12.10: Discussion
Parallel session: Performance Monitoring, Audit, Assessment and Effectiveness Reviews
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Chair: Macit Cobanoglu, Manager Supplier Participant Program, CANDU Owners Group (Canada)
11.10: Running an Effective Internal Assessment Program
Ecaterina Clavel, Clavel Quality Consultants (Canada)
11.25: Why a Successful Internal Auditor Needs to be an Effective Leader?
Herminia Roman, Senior Manager of Nuclear Oversight Engineering, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
11.40: Using Lean Methodology to Simplify and Deliver Value from the Management Effectiveness Review Process
Johane Lemay, Management Consultant, ITPGMP Consulting Inc. and Contractor, Management System, Bruce Power and Susan Brissette, Department Manager, Management System Bruce Power (Canada)
11.55: Reshaping Performance Indicators at Loviisa NPP.
Jukka Paivarinta, Head of People and Performance, Fortum Power and Heat Oy (Finland)
12.10: Discussion
Parallel session: Implementation of CSA N299 – Quality Assurance Program Requirements
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Implementation of CSA N299 – Quality assurance program requirements, with a special emphasis on meeting the safety culture requirement
Chair: Mervah Khan, Project Manager, Power Generation, CSA Group (Canada)
- Craig Sellers, CSA N299 TSC Chair (Canada)
- Ken Barley, Manager, Supply Chain Quality Services, Bruce Power (Canada)
- Nancy Boraso, Global Director, Nuclear Quality Assurance, Hatch Ltd. (Canada)
- Dan Rusnac, Corporate Q.A. Manager, E.S. Fox Ltd. (Canada)
- Tracy Mason, Director, Corporate Quality Assurance, Black & McDonald Limited (Canada)
- Dorina Fleites, Quality Assurance Manager, Power Generation Region, Black & McDonald Limited (Canada)
Quality assurance programs are critical in improving safety and efficiency in the nuclear power industry. The new suite of CSA N299 series of standards on quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants, has revived the quality assurance requirements originally referenced in CSA Z299 and provides the nuclear industry with the opportunity to update their requirements to reflect current practices. The CSA N299 series of Standards defines a consistent set of quality assurance program requirements for the provision of items and services for nuclear power plants. This session will provide details on the CSA N299 standards to engage the suppliers, vendors, and users impacted by the publication of this new suite of standards. The session will be focused on the experiences and lessons learned from vendors who have transitioned to CSA N299 highlighting key issues such as audit program, CFSI, and safety culture.
Parallel session: Specifications
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Chair: Rodney Whitley, Director, Quality Management & Nuclear Safety – CB&I Project Services Group (USA)
11.10: Why is it so Difficult to Achieve a Quality Product? A common issue that continues to plague the nuclear supply chain is the inability of suppliers to provide items that satisfy the requirements of the utilities. Items received often do not meet the expectations of the utilities. Rework can add to the cost and result in missed deadlines. Suppliers on the other hand express frustration with the requests they receive from utilities, finding them unclear and lacking information. There are several contributing factors to this issue that will be discussed; one of the main contributors is that the Technical Specification which forms the basis of the request is poorly written. This presentation explores the reasons why and offers practical solutions.
Richard W Barnes, M. Eng. Sc., P. Eng., FASME, President, ANRIC Enterprises (Canada)
11.25 Quality in the Supply Chain Management at Rosatom
Dmitry Vashurkin, Deputy Head of Quality Directorate, ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation (Russia)
11.40: Quality Specifications and Effective Vendor Oversight – Lessons Learned and Good Practices: As plant owners contract out more of the work that traditionally has been done in house, and allows the Vendor Partners to use their own processes and procedures in providing services to the Owners, it becomes critical for Owners to articulate their requirements and expectations in a way that Vendors can understand and easily address. As Owner’s, we tend to specify that the Vendor procedures to be used must “Meet or Exceed” our procedures, which doesn’t give useful guidance to Vendors. This workshop discussion will explore the best ways for Owners to specify their requirements in a way that Vendor Partners can easily understand and meet them
Chris Elliott, MCR Oversight & Regulatory Support Manager, Bruce Power (Canada)
11.55: Discussion
Parallel session: Supply Chain Effectiveness – Contract Lifecycle Management
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Chair: Mark Woods, National Utility Supply Chain Leader, Deloitte (Canada)
11.05: Leveraging Category Management & Contract Management to improve Nuclear Supply Chain Effectiveness & Responsiveness: Understanding how to create value across supply chain involves a comprehensive review of how to create commercial leverage while ensuring materials and services are available on time, at the right place and are on spec to drive greater efficiencies, lower downtime and improved equipment ownership costs. Although not at the front of mind of many power producers, Contract Lifecycle Management is essential to ensuring the realization of value generated by Category Management and Strategic Sourcing. The management of contract informs decision-making, improves effective supplier management and reduces contract leakage. By the end of this session, participants will have knowledge on different approaches that the utilities can take to embark on the category management and contract management and able to articulate the key benefits that such approaches can produce for the utility bottom line while improving safety.
Mark Woods, National Utility Supply Chain Leader, Deloitte (Canada)
Parallel session: Innovation Roundtable
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Chair: Frank Saunders, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory Affairs, and President, Ontario Nuclear Innovation Institute (Canada)
11.05: A key theme of the conference is innovation and digital transformation. This round table provides the opportunity to bring together leaders to share collective expertise and knowledge in advancing nuclear applications and technologies through innovation. Nuclear innovation requires industry wide collaboration. This roundtable will explore collaborative opportunities in the areas of:
- Artificial intelligence and cyber security
- Medical and industrial isotopes
- Heath and environmental excellence
- Economic development for underrepresented demographics such as indigenous peoples
- Advancements in operational excellence in nuclear
Parallel session: Security, Risk, Resilience, and Business Continuity
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Chair: Lisa McBride (Marshall), Senior Manager, Organizational Design & Business Change Centre of Excellence, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
11.10: This session will explore in greater detail some of the concepts presented earlier in the conference, and provide participants with the opportunity to share experience, discuss best practices, and identify areas where greater collaboration or industry guidance could be beneficial.
11.30: A Taxonomy of Shock Scenarios
Dr. Paul Colin Smith, Associate Director, Arup (UK)
11.50: Discussion
12.40 – 13.30
Lunch – Sponsored by: Hatch and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
13.30 – 13.55
13.55 – 14.15
Closing remarks
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Jan Van Looke, Head of Integrated Management System, Belgoprocess and Chair, FORATOM Management System Working Group (Belgium)
14.15 – 14.30
Official Conference Conclusions
Registration & Information Desk Closes
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