International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Tuesday 17 July 2018
07.00 – 08.00
Registration & Information Desk Opens – Hydrations Stations Sponsored by: Abraflex
07.15 – 08.30
Women in Nuclear Networking Breakfast – Sponsored by: Canadian Nuclear Association
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Join WiN-Canada President / WiN-Global Vice President Heather Kleb to network with WiN peers.
08.00 – 08.30
Getting Started Morning Coffee – Sponsored by: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
08.30 – 10.35
Plenary Session
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Chair: Yves Desbazeille, Director General, European Atomic Forum (FORATOM)
08.35: Opening Remarks and Introduction of Honorary Conference Chairperson
- Yves Desbazeille, Director General, European Atomic Forum (FORATOM)
- Mikhail Chudakov, Deputy Director General and head of Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Frank Saunders, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory Affairs, and President, Ontario Nuclear Innovation Institute (Canada)
08.55: Keynote Remarks from Honorary Chair – Perspectives After a Decade as Canada’s Nuclear Watchdog
Dr. Michael Binder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
09.15: Working Together – Better
Adriènne Kelbie, Chief Executive, Office for Nuclear Regulation (UK)
09.55: NEA’s Approach: Guiding Leaders for Today and Tomorrow
Yeonhee Hah, Head of the Division of Radiological Protection & Human Aspects of Nuclear Safety, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
10.15: Nuclear Energy in Argentina: A Strategic Vision on Leadership and Organization for a Sustainable Future / The CAREM 25 Project
Marcelo Salvatore, Director for Nuclear Technology Assessment, Ministry of Energy and Mining (Argentina)
10.35 – 11.05
Networking break with refreshments – Sponsored by: KCI Consultants
11.05 – 12.30
Plenary Session resumes
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Chair: Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, Regulatory Operations Branch, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
11.10: Vulnerability to Problematic Supply Chain Events and Endemic Shock Scenarios
Dr. Paul Colin Smith, Associate Director, Arup (UK)
11.30: Insights from Industry Leader: Senior leaders will share their personal experience on how they have achieved a high level of quality and safety during their career. Get some heartfelt insights into what motivates leaders to be vigilant and constantly advocate for quality and safety.
- Bill Pitesa, Chief Nuclear Officer, Nuclear Energy Institute (USA)
- Hideki Masui, Deputy Chief Nuclear Officer, TEPCO (JAPAN)
- Ian Grant, Consultant in Nuclear Safety and Regulation (UAE)
12.30 – 13.30
Lunch – Sponsored by: Abraflex
13.30 – 15.00
Parallel Session: Large Scale Change – Digital Transformation and Project Management
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Chair: Peter Elder, Vice President Technical Support Branch and Chief Scientific Officer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
13.45: Exelon’s Digital Transformation Journey
Joan Knight, Director of Innovation, Exelon (USA)
14.05: Panel – A Journey of Innovation: Once the promise of process improvement has delivered maximum benefit, organizations are embarking on a journey of automation and deployment of new technology as part of their continuous improvement and efficiency measures. 3D printing, data analytics, robotics, and artificial intelligence will transform our industry. Learn about the journey of pioneers in this area, consider the safety and quality considerations of such initiatives, and understand the basics of some emerging technology that will reshape how we manage everyday tasks in the nuclear industry.
Moderator: Johane Lemay, Management Consultant, ITPGMP Consulting Inc. and Contractor, Management System, Bruce Power (Canada)
Presentations by:
- Sean Lawrie, Partner, ScottMadden (USA)
- Jason Wight, Director of Station Engineering, Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
- James J. Hutto, Business Modernization Director, Southern Nuclear Operating Company (USA)
Parallel Session: Life Cycle Transitions – Safety and Culture Considerations
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Chair: Jan Van Looke, Head of Integrated Management System, Belgoprocess and Chair, FORATOM Management System Working Group (Belgium)
13.40: Management Problems and Challenges in a Nuclear Centre Closing Fuel Cycle Activities
Paulo Lainetti, Senior Technologist, Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute – IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brazil)
13.55: Regulatory Response to the Transition from a Government Owned and Government Operated (Go-Go) Model to a Government Owned and Contractor Operated (Go-Co) Model and the Resulting Management of Change
Kenneth Jones, Management System Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
14.10: Panel Discussion – Managing Transitions: This session will address the unique considerations of the human and organizational factors relevant during the transition between lifecycle stages in a nuclear facility. It will consider new builds, commissioning, operation, major refurbishments and decommissioning to examine the challenges faced in each new phase and how to smoothly transition between them.
Moderator: Angela Coulas, Director, Management System, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (Canada)
Presentations by:
- Pam Duerden, EHSS&Q Director, Magnox Limited (UK)
- Helen Rycraft, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer, Department of Nuclear Safety, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, Operational Safety Section, IAEA
- Hussain Al Jaberi, Head of Nuclear Audits, Nawah Quality Assurance Program Manager, Nawah Energy (UAE)
Parallel session: Standards
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Chair: Susan Oh, Acting Director, Standards – Power Generation and Petroleum & Natural Gas, CSA Group (Canada)
13.35: Presentation on CSA Group’s Consensus Process
Susan Oh, Acting Director, Standards – Power Generation and Petroleum & Natural Gas, CSA Group (Canada)
13.50: Quality and Management System Standards – What Should I Use?: There are a host of different regulations and standards used internationally in the field of nuclear management systems and quality management. In many cases the standard come to comply with a certain regulation, in some others they are consensus standards created by Standards Development Organizations (e.g. ISO) and aim at improvement e.g. in customer satisfaction. The International Atomic Energy Agency has its safety standards series for all nuclear facilities and activities. The many different pedigrees and approaches can make it challenging to make informed decisions about which to use. This session will provide an overview of some of the most frequently used standards, their background, purpose, scope and applicability to help participants make informed decisions.
Moderator: Patti L Wiggins, CPA, CMA, Management System Manager, Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, New Brunswick Power Corporation (Canada)
Presentations by:
- Pekka Pyy, Senior Expert, Organization & Management Systems – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Laurent Kueny, Vice President Nuclear Services, Bureau Veritas and Nuclear Quality Standard Association (France)
- Randy Kurtz, Vice President, Quality Assurance Director, Sargent & Lundy (USA)
- Ecaterina Clavel, Clavel Quality Consultants (Canada)
14.40: Workplace Psychological Health and Safety: Learn about ideas on new concepts in workplace Health & Safety management systems including those involving psychological health and safety (such as the Canadian Standard CSA Z1003) and how ISO 45001 has laid the groundwork for further international development in this area
Ian M. F. Arnold MD, MSc, CSPQ, FCBOM, FRCPC, DOHS, CEA, CRSP (Canada)
15.00 – 15.15
Group Photo
15.15 – 15.30
Networking Break with refreshments – Sponsored by: ScottMadden
15.30 – 17.30
Special Session: FORATOM-Canadian Nuclear Industry Meeting (invitation only)
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Hosted by:
- Dr Teodor Chirica, President, European Atomic Forum (FORATOM) and
- Fred Dermarkar, President and Chief Executive Officer, CANDU Owner’s Group (Canada)
This meeting is by invitation only. It provides an opportunity for senior leaders in the Canadian Nuclear Industry and FORATOM to present the current status of the Canadian and European markets. Key policy drivers will be discussed as well as avenues for collaboration
15.45 – 18.00
Parallel Session: Large Scale Change – Digital Transformation and Project Management
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15.50: Transition from Functional to Project Management Organization to Manage the New Nuclear Build Project in the Environment of a Newcomer Country.
Dmitrij Pokidysev, Head of Project Management and Control, Akkuyu Nuclear JSC (Turkey)
16.05: Use of a Systematic Approach to Window Level Project Oversight (SAWLPO) in Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment
Rob Templeton, Senior Quality Manager, Darlington Refurbishment, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
16.10: Panel – Excellence in Project Management: When planning and executing a multi-million or billion dollar project, more is at stake than just money. Thousands of people, entire communities, and the company’s future viability are often relying on its success. To help mitigate the risks associated with such an undertaking, this panel will discuss large projects within the nuclear industry and address how to streamline them. It will walk you through important topics such as simplifying working modes, governance, benefits management and the critical interfaces with project management, the role of project managers, and the importance of defining project objectives.
Moderator: Guy Lembach, Partner, Capital Projects, Deloitte
- Hervé Maillart, Vice President, International Projects, EDF (France)
- Pierre Tremblay, President/CEO Canada Nuclear Operations Inc., AECOM (Canada)
17.30: Discussion
Parallel Session: Life Cycle Transitions – Safety and Culture Considerations
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Moderator: Arie Boer, Risk & IMS Manager, EPZ, The Netherlands
15.50: Shaping Culture: A shift in Culture can only Happen if Supported by an Enabling Management System: This session will examine how management systems can either enable or hinder large scale culture change. Over dependence on systems and processes in a highly regulated environment can lull the organization into a checklist mentality and routine mindset, ultimately eroding safety. What is the balance between compliance, discipline and buy-in? What tools support a desired shift in culture? Hear from experts who are helping organizations tackle these critical questions and learn the key to getting the results you need.
Jan Teuwen, Principal Consultant, and Ward Metzler, Principal, DuPont Sustainable Solutions (USA)
16.25: You Can Count On Me: Changing Behaviours Through Emotion: This presentation will provide you with insights on how to support leadership in shifting culture from compliance based to commitment based through affective communication and visual media.
Sarah Foster, Communications Specialist, Bruce Power (Canada)
16.40: Integrating a Common System in a Uncommon Culture, A Developing Case Study
Glenn McTaggart, Department Manager, Management System, Nawah Energy Company (UAE)
16.55: Safety culture and cooperation
Olivier Guillaume, Research Engineer, EDF (France)
17.10: How Expensive Is Safety?
Natalia Amosova, Managing Partner, Apollo Plus (Switzerland)
17.30: Discussion
Parallel session: Standards
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15.45: ASME Special Committee on Additive Manufacturing for Pressure Equipment: The ASME Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards has established a Special Committee on Additive Manufacturing for Pressure Equipment. The Additive Manufacturing Committee held its first meeting in August 2017. The Committee is a joint committee with the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards with a goal to provide technical direction for additive manufacturing of pressure equipment. The Additive Manufacturing Committee is charged with developing a technical baseline to support development of a standard or guideline addressing the structural integrity governing the construction of pressure retaining equipment by the additive manufacturing processes. The Additive Manufacturing Committee is now engaged in the development of a series of topical reports that address material qualification, process qualification, design margins, and NDE. This presentation provides an overview of the AM committee activities and initial direction from the work completed to date.
Presentation by George Rawls, ASME delivered by Richard W Barnes, M. Eng. Sc., P. Eng., FASME, President, ANRIC Enterprises (Canada)
16.05: Integrating Human Performance across the Management System – Considerations for Suppliers and Licensees
Pamela Tume, Director IP, Human Performance, OpEx and Nuclear Security, SNC Lavalin (Canada)
16.25: Crossing Borders: Introduction of US 10CFR50 Appendix B Compliant Quality Assurance Program at a European OEM
Dr. John Kickhofel, Managing Partner, Apollo Plus (Switzerland)
16.45: Cost-effective Compliance with Multiple International Nuclear Quality Standards: This presentation will highlight Sargent & Lundy’s insight on the challenges of compliance with multiple international quality standards in a cost-effective manner. Sargent & Lundy is engaged in nuclear power project work for a wide array of international companies with their own prevailing codes and standards. The presentation will discuss various approaches toward fulfilling these requirements and focus on ways to optimize start-up time and allow staff to focus on the project’s technical challenges in a manner that will meet or exceed the project’s required quality standards. The presentation will also highlight the benefits of working with multiple international quality standards and the learning opportunity that this exposure provides. In summary, the presentation will demonstrate that being called on to implement multiple international quality standards is both a challenge and an opportunity.
Randy Kurtz, Vice President, Quality Assurance Director, Sargent & Lundy (USA)
17.05: Canadian Standards Demystified: An Inside Look at CSA Nuclear Standards: Nearly 15 percent of Canada’s electricity is generated from just four nuclear power plants. The contribution of nuclear energy to the country’s power grid is significant – and Canada’s CANDU reactors are used in other countries – but generating nuclear energy is a complex undertaking. It relies on advanced reactor technology, highly-skilled personnel, and stringent safety practices to mitigate risks. Standards are critical to addressing these challenges. CSA Group’s suite of nuclear standards provides an interlinked set of requirements for the management of nuclear facilities and activities. The standard, CSA N286 – Management system requirements for nuclear facilities, provides overall direction for developing and implementing sound management practices and controls, while the other standards provide technical requirements and guidance that support the management system. This session will demystify the N286 Standard and key elements of the management system to support your work and give you the opportunity to take a deep dive into the standards and ask questions:
- CSA N286 – Management system requirements for nuclear facilities
This standard identifies management system requirements for nuclear facilities based on 12 management system principles. It applies to top management who have the overall accountability for the nuclear facility and integrates the requirements from management system standards for health, safety, environment, security, economics, and quality. - CSA N299 – Quality assurance program requirements
The new suite of CSA N299 series of standards on quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants has revived the quality assurance requirements originally referenced in CSA Z299. It also provides the nuclear industry with the opportunity to update their requirements to reflect current practices
Moderator: Mervah Khan, Project Manager, Power Generation, CSA Group (Canada)
- Richard Schewaga, Chair, CSA N286 Technical Committee (Canada)
- Craig Sellers, Chair, CSA N299 Subcommittee (Canada)
17.30: Discussion
Registration & Information Desk Closes
19.00 – 21.00
Reception: Taste of Canada (by invitation only) – Sponsored by: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, ES FOX, FORATOM, and Bruce Power
Departure: Northern Lights – Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill
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Sponsored by: ES Fox providing stadium blanket seats for your comfort (some chairs available). Please bring your blanket seat with you. Parliament is an easy 15 minute walk from the Westin. Meet at the conference registration desk.
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