International Conference on Quality Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry
15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
16-19 July 2018 – Ottawa Canada
Wednesday 18 July 2018
07.00 – 08.00
Registration & Information Desk Opens – Hydrations Stations Sponsored by: Abraflex
08.00 – 08.30
Getting Started Morning Coffee – Sponsored by BWXT
08.30 – 10.00
Plenary session
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Chair: Frank Saunders, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory Affairs, and President, Ontario Nuclear Innovation Institute (Canada)
08.35: Keynote Remarks by Rumina Velshi, P.Eng., Commission Member, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
08.55: Keynote Remarks by Dr Teodor Chirica, President, European Atomic Forum (FORATOM)
09.15: Turning the Conversation to the Future
Moderator: Rachna Clavero, Director, Nuclear Safety & Environmental Affairs, CANDU Owners Group (Canada)
- Michael Rencheck, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Power (Canada)
- Kathy McCarthy, Vice President of Research and Development, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (Canada)
- Robert Fletcher, President Civil Nuclear, Rolls Royce (UK)
10.00 – 10.45
Refreshment break with POSTER SESSION – Sponsored by: Ontario Power Generation
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Development of Professionals for a Raw Characterization Laboratory: Challenges and Strategies
Yulia Balashevska, Ecocentre (Ukraine)
That Which Gets Measured Gets Fixed
Gregor Cameron, Section Manager, Bruce Power (Canada) – Presented by Rob McIntosh, Department Manager, Performance Improvement, Bruce Power (Canada)
Nuclear Knowledge Management in Vietnam
Trung Tinh Nguyen, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (Vietnam)
Ontario Power Generation – Leaders Developing Leaders
R. Reyns and Andrew Elnazir, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
Introducing Innovation Management Requirements in the Nuclear Sector
Julieta Sayan, Quality Assurance Analyst, National Commission of Atomic Energy (Argentina)
The Harmonisation of Nuclear Safety and Security Culture and the Responsibilities of the Management
Mate Solymosi, Somos Environmental Protection Ltd (Hungary) and Susan Brissette, Bruce Power (Canada)
Knowledge Management and Training for New Graduates: Exposure to Regulation and Management Systems
Gavin Steedman, Olga Aksentyeva and Erik Menna, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
10.45 – 12.15
Parallel session: Regulatory
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Chair: Greg Lamarre, Director General, Safety Management Directorate, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
This session will explore key topics of particular interest to leaders and specialists working in international regulatory bodies.
11.00: Regulatory Requirements and Oversight of Licensee Management Systems and/or Quality Management/ Assurance Programs: This session will present perspectives from international regulators on the challenges and good practices of providing oversight of licensee management systems and/or quality management/assurance programs.
Moderator: Pierre Lahaie, Director, Safety Management Directorate, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
11.15: Technical Assessments of Licensee’s Management System Documentation – a Canadian Regulatory Perspective
Dan Papaz, Management System Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
11.30: Regulatory Oversight of Management Review
Kuen Sia, Management System Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
11.45: Remarks
Jeffrey Jacobson, Senior Vendor Inspector, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
12.00: Discussion
Parallel session: Supply Chain
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Chair: Fred Dermarkar, President, Candu Owner’s Group (Canada)
This session will provide an opportunity for customers, suppliers, and contactors to share experiences and address emerging risks in supply chain regulation including challenges with commercial grade dedication, counterfeit, fraudulent and suspect items (CFSI) as well as the more recent implications of the risks of additive manufacturing technology such as 3D printing.
11.00: Supply Chain Panel
Moderator: Ron Oberth, President, Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (Canada)
Hear from leading industry suppliers on the key challenges and opportunities in the nuclear industry, including in areas such as quality management, human performance and safety culture. Presentations:
- Pamela Tume, Director IP, Human Performance, OpEx and Nuclear Security, SNC Lavalin (Canada)
- Deucksoo Lee, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Services Department, KEPCO E&C (South Korea)
- Dmitry Vashurkin, Deputy Head of Quality Directorate, Rosatom (Russia)
- Darryl Spector, President, Promation Nuclear (Canada
Parallel session: Topics in Physical and Cyber Security
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Physical and Cyber Security
Chair: Kathleen Heppell-Masys, Director General, Directorate of Security and Safeguards, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
This session will cover a variety of safety related topics with overarching themes of quality management for security activities, integration of non-nuclear security requirements into a nuclear regime, challenges and opportunities of sharing operating experience, emerging trends in cyber and physical security regulations, combining safety and security culture assessments, and effective oversight and change management practices. Hear from experts and practitioners on how security is integrated into the management system, emerging trends, case studies and best practices.
11.00: Updating Threat Model: Using Past Assessment and Incident Analysis to Predict Cyber Attributes and Characteristics of the Adversary: The calculation of an accurate and realistic cyber risk profile has become a challenge due to the complexity in determining both the vulnerabilities in highly integrated digital I&C systems (plant, physical, transport, etc.) and the anticipated attributes and characteristics a threat actor will use in attacking nuclear operations. This session will explore results from tactical cyber security assessments, actual investigation findings and new ideas for ‘kill chain’ modelling to see what tools, techniques and procedures the modern adversary is expected to develop. This information can then be used by the stakeholder to develop accurate and effective cyber security measures to deter, detect, delay and respond to cyber events.
Mark Fabro, President and Chief Security Scientist, Lofty Perch, Inc. (Canada)
11.30: Considerations for implementation of Cybersecurity Requirements: This standard covers the cyber security of nuclear facilities and pertains to the securing of essential computer systems and components against cyber-attacks resulting in loss of availability, degradation or loss of ability to perform their intended function, compromise of their integrity, and loss of confidentiality of their information.
Scott Hilts, Department Manager Information Security, Bruce Power and Chair, N290.7 Technical Subcommittee (Canada)
11.45: Encouraging Industry Leaders to Demonstrate Nuclear Security Governance
Maria Lovely Umayam, Research Analyst and Project Manager, Stimson Center (USA)
12.00: Discussion
Parallel session: Management System Implementation
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Chair: Peter Vermaercke, IMS Manager, SCK•CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium)
This session will address emerging trends, best practices and lessons on implementation of management systems with respect to integration of processes, risk management, performance and use of assessments and continuous improvement. There will be additional breakout sessions on leadership and proficiency, and on culture.
10.55: The Technology Opportunity that Comes from the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Nuclear: An emerging class of nuclear entrepreneurs is pushing to change the trajectory of deployment of nuclear energy, from a single commercial product (gigawatt-scale electricity production) to a wide range of energy products. They envision a transition from on-site built specialty products to factory built, rapidly deployed systems. That transition also allows for a more rapid inclusion of technology innovations from emerging areas such as advanced manufacturing, big data and associated analytics, and high-performance computing. This presentation will outline this trend and what it means for the future of nuclear energy.
Todd Allen, Senior Fellow, Third Way, Professor, University of Wisconsin (USA)
11.15: Aligning the IT Enterprise and the IMS Process Architecture: an Essential Step Towards a Lean Management System
Peter Vermaercke, IMS Manager, SCK•CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
11.35: Journey Towards an Integrated Management System
Colin Ellam, Organisational Effectiveness Director, Horizon Nuclear Power and Barry Middleton, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers (UK)
11.55: Who is Responsible for Managing Risks in a Management System and a Process-Based Structure?
Veerle Stroobant, Coordinator, Control of the Organization and Continuous Improvement, ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgium)
12.15 – 13.20
Lunch – Sponsored by: Deloitte
13.20 – 15.00
Parallel session: Regulatory
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13.20: Effective Management Systems for Regulatory Bodies: Regulators are accustomed to evaluating the management systems of licensees, but what of the development, implementation, assessment and continuous improvement of their own management system? This session will showcase the challenges and best practices from regulators around the world in the implementation of their own management system.
Moderator: Laura Talbot Allan, President TACG Consulting (Canada)
13.35: From a Quality Management Based on ISO Standards to a Management System Based on IAEA Requirements
Annick Deltenre, Information Officer, Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgium)
13.50: The Development of an Integrated Management System for Ghana’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority
Selom Fritz Kodzo Dzide, Nuclear Regulatory Officer, Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Ghana)
14.05: Review of the IMS at Polish Regulatory Body
Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, Senior Specialist of IMS, National Atomic Energy Agency (Poland)
14.20: Status of NNRA Management System Regime/Challenges
Rita Ama, Associate Member, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Nigeria)
14.35: Development and Implementation of Management System at PNRA
Muhammad Masaood, Director, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Pakistan)
14.50: Discussion
Parallel session: Supply Chain
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Supply Chain – Key Topics
13.20: Application of QA Standards in the Supply Chain in NPPs and Other Facilities in Brazil
Paulo Cesar Ferreira Jr., Head of Quality Assurance, Eletronuclear (Brazil)
13.35: Kinectrics Error-free Operation Through Use of Human Performance Tools
Deanna Lopez, Human Performance Manager, Kinectrics Inc. (Canada)
13.50: Quality & Safety Culture through Leadership and Personal Accountability
Terry Armstrong, Vice-President Nuclear, ES Fox (Canada)
14.05: Discussion
14.15: Has Conformity Assessment Got a Role in Future Reactor Safety and Quality Achievement? ASME Conformity Assessment certification and accreditation programs are an example of ASME’s commitment to high quality and enhancing public safety in the global market. Companies that obtain ASME’s Certificate of Authorization go through a rigorous process that verifies, through independent auditor review, their ability to create and document a quality control/assurance system and uniquely requires them to demonstrate their capabilities in implementing this system. With an eye on the future, ASME Conformity Assessment continues to work on incorporating Advanced Manufacturing, 3D Printing and high temperature reactors into its suite of products. ASME Standards & Certification continues to strive for the incorporation of the highest levels of safety margins for next generation of nuclear reactor designs. Implementation of these designs before construction will help gain public confidence that the nuclear reactors are being built to the highest safety standards.
Michael Frediani, Director Auditing and Inspections, ASME (US)
14.35: 21 Tools for Addressing CFIs: This presentation will discuss the 21 tools that can be used address counterfeit and fraudulent items (CFIs) in nuclear facility applications. The tools are as presented in IAEA publications related to procurement and CFIs.
John Moore, Director Corporate Services & CFO, CANDU Owners Group (Canada)
Parallel session - Topics in Physical and Cyber Security
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13.20: Safety and Security Integration – Key topics
13.25: Understanding Exposure and Vulnerability to Future Real World Dangers
Dr. Paul Colin Smith, Associate Director, Arup (UK)
13.45: A Regulatory Document on Safety Culture, Inclusive of Security Culture
Tanya Hewitt, Human and Organizational Performance Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
14.05: U.S. NRC: Safety and Security – Policy and Oversight: This session describes how the US NRC has incorporated security into their safety culture policy with examples of security “findings” in NRC inspections that are binned with safety culture traits
Diane Sieracki, Senior Safety Culture Program Manager, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
14.25: Issues and Challenges of Building Cyber DBT for Countries Embarking Nuclear Power Programme: Lessons Learned from Bangladesh
Dr Md. Dulal Hossain, Chief Engineer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (Bangladesh)
14.45: Discussion
Parallel session: Management System Implementation – Breakout 1 - Leadership
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13.15: Developing Talent and Proficiency
Moderator: Germaine Watts, Partner and CEO, Intelligent Organizational Systems, Inc. (Canada)
13.20: Multi-Level Organizational Optimization Using Predictive People Analytics: Using Propensity Management™ to Enhance the Resiliency, Adaptiveness, and Performance of Organizations
Germaine Watts, Partner and CEO, Laurie Comeau, Geri Canty, Intelligent Organizational Systems Inc. (Canada)
13.50: Engineering Proficiency- Darlington Refurbishment Engineering, Ontario Power Generation
Kelly Reid, Rahul Nandi, Nienke Smith, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
14.05: Nuclear Leadership Development: This session will discuss the concept of nuclear leadership and how it can be developed. The areas include all the phases that need to be present for development including tools and ways to measure progress. The related community of practice website by the International Atomic Energy Agency, currently in trial, us will be used to support the presentation.
- Pekka Pyy, Senior Expert, Organization and Management Systems, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Pam Duerden, EHSS&Q Director, Magnox Limited (UK)
- Wendy Anyster, Director, Leadership Vine Ltd., (UK)
Parallel session: Management System Implementation - Breakout 2 – Assessments of Culture
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Moderator: Phil Smith, Project Manager, Nuclear Safety & Environmental Affairs, Candu Owner’s Group (Canada)
13.30: Improve the Safety Culture in Design Organization by Self-assessment
Xianglian He, Deputy Director of Department of Quality and Safety Management, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (China)
13.45: Using a Questionnaire to Assess Nuclear Safety Culture is Efficient only under Certain Conditions
Valerie Lagrange, Nuclear Safety Management & Human Factor Advisor, EDF (France)
14.00: Improving Safety Culture and Organizational Performance: Applying Science-Based Methodologies to “Wicked” Problems
Andrew Hegedus, Founder/President, Demosophia LLC (USA)
14.15: Quality Culture: Safety Culture in design and manufacturing organization
Ilya Gorokhov, Chief specialist on quality and safety culture, OKB “GIDROPRESS” (Enterprise of ROSATOM, Russia)
14.30: A Conceptual Model to Analyze the Impact of External Influences to the Development of Culture for Safety in Nuclear Organizations of Bangladesh.
Abid Imtiaz, Chief Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (Bangladesh)
14.45: CNSC Regulatory Safety Oversight Culture
Eman Ibrahim, Senior Project Officer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada) and Ross Richardson, Director of the Internal Quality Management Division, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
15.00 – 15.35
Networking Break with refreshments
15.35 – 17.20
Parallel session: Regulatory
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15.40: Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: The Energy Infrastructure Initiative (EII): Market conditions identical to those that gave rise to counterfeit consumer items and luxury goods are causing similar havoc to industrial products and construction materials. One thing that the majority of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) holders and enforcement organizations all agree on is that there is an identified and ongoing need for enhanced cooperation and education amongst all stakeholders and intermediaries to ensure that the fight against such criminality and its effects becomes more cohesive and well informed. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC), Office of Investigations (OI), the law enforcement arm of the agency, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Center, has launched the Energy Industry Initiative (EII). This presentation spotlights the EII, its operational concepts, its’ benefits to its members, and the vision for its future.
Dan Pasquale, Senior Reactor Systems Engineer, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
16.00: Supply Chain – Key Issues – Regulatory Perspective: This session will present perspectives around oversight by regulators of licensees’ suppliers and contractors, in particular for large projects (typically engineer, procure, construct service contracts) such as new build, major component replacement, large maintenance outages and decommissioning.
Moderator: Stuart Allen, Professional Lead, Human and Organisational Capability, Office of Nuclear Regulation, Vendor Inspection Co-operation Working Group Chair (UK)
16.15: Challenges in the Qualification of First of a Kind Equipment: This presentation will briefly cover the concept of equipment qualification (e.g. environmental, seismic, EMI/RFI, etc.) from a supplier perspective, and address some of the challenges a supplier might face in trying to qualify first of a kind equipment for nuclear safety-related applications.
Jeffrey Jacobson, Senior Vendor Inspector, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
16.30: Contracting out Accountability
Paul Wong, Management System Specialist, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada)
16.45: Discussion
Parallel session: Supply Chain
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15.40: Practices and Developments for Nuclear Industry “Other Party” Accreditation and Certification: The ongoing publication of a new standard ISO19443 dedicated to the Quality management system of Nuclear Suppliers is a unique opportunity for the nuclear industry to benchmark “other party” accreditation and certification schemes which are in place in other industries.
Moderated by Greg Kaser, Senior Project Manager, World Nuclear Association
- Scott Klavon, Director of Nadcap and Aerospace Industry, Performance Review Institute
- Laurent Kueny, Vice President Group Strategy, Bureau Veritas (France)
- Jan Van Looke, Head of Integrated Management System, Belgoprocess and Chair, FORATOM Management System Working Group (Belgium)
- Dmitry Vashurkin, Deputy Head of Quality Directorate, Rosatom (Russia)
- Hervé Maillart, Vice President, International Projects, EDF (France)
Session objectives:
- To learn about the advantages and opportunity for an ‘other party’ accreditation/certification program for the international nuclear supply chain
- To exchange views on making wider use of the ISO system in certifying suppliers for nuclear related procurement
- To develop an action plan for an initiative with a view to launching this at the World Nuclear Symposium (5-7 September 2018)
17.00: Joint Audit Programs – the Canadian Experience: This session will provide an overview of two joint audit programs offered by CANDU Owners Group (COG) and Nuclear Procurement Issues Corporation (NUPIC) that demonstrate how industry collaboration can reduce supply chain related costs while enhancing quality, consistency and robustness of audits. CANDU Procurement Audit Committee (CANPAC) and CANDU Industry Assessment Committee (CANIAC) are two joint audit programs under COG. CANPAC is a prime example of collaboration among CANDU utilities. The Program has successfully provided cost-effective supplier auditing service to its Participants for last 16 years. Joint audit program eliminates the need for utilities to individually conduct audits of the same supplier. Supplier also benefits from less business disruptions as a result of joint audit. The Program also helps minimize risks of poor quality audits as a result of shortage of quality auditing capabilities in Canadian market. With proven success of CANPAC Program, COG launched CANIAC Program that offers joint auditing services to Tier 1/Tier 2 suppliers to audit their sub-suppliers. NUPIC is similar to COG CANPAC Program for U.S. nuclear utilities and several international utilities. CANPAC members can use CANPAC resources to fulfil their NUPIC commitments for NUPIC audits. This session is for you if you wish to hear more about these Programs and benefits of industry collaboration in nuclear supply chain area.
Sonia Qureshi, Director of Joint Projects and Services, CANDU Owners Group (Canada)
Parallel session - Topics in Physical and Cyber Security
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15.40: Socio-Technical System Wholeness: A Theoretical Model Applied to Nuclear and Radiological Security Programs: Researchers and practitioners continue to study the causes of high-consequence failures in complex socio-technical systems. Analyses focusing on linear causal pathways are common when considering vulnerabilities in nuclear and radiological security programs. These linear pathways typically focus on individual human error or technical system malfunctions. A new model is proposed using an integral approach that describes vulnerability from a systemic wholeness perspective. The presentation is a description of the main points of the wholeness model and provides examples of characteristic patterns of concern.
Dr. William J. Toth, Group Leader, Threat Reduction Initiatives Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
16.00: Establishing an Effective Cyber Security Program: Leveraging Cyber Risk Intelligence and Leading Practices: Cyber threats are real. In recent years, cyberattacks have become increasingly coordinated and sophisticated, with cyber criminals targeting specific organizations, regions and customers and third party vendors/suppliers as a means to gaining access to an organization’s crown jewels. To prevent potential financial, reputational and operational damage, organizations must adopt a comprehensive approach to cyber risk mitigation through a comprehensive view of people, processes and technology. Board and executive awareness of an organization’s cyber security risk profile needs to be enhanced. This presentation will discuss programmatic approaches and leading practices organizations can leverage to establish an effective cyber security program.
Kent Schramm, Director, Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte (Canada)
Integration of Safety and Security (Discussion)
Facilitator: Helen Rycraft, Senior Safety Officer, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Parallel session: Management System Implementation
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15.40: Comply Company Personnel with the Process-based IMS to Achieve the Best of Leadership Oriented to Safety: Challenges, Opportunities, Solutions
Irina Florenta Marin, PhD, Head of Management System Department, Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (Romania)
16.00: Management System Implementation Lessons Learned from Emerging Nuclear Countries
Moderator: Nawal Chishty, P. Eng., Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
- 16.10: The PNRI Management Systems: Status and Challenges
Maria Ramiro, Head, Planning Section Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (Philippines) - 16.25: Development of Management system in Ghana
Charles Klutse, Research Scientist, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (Ghana) - 16.40: Integrated Management System Types for Nuclear Organizations, A Comparative Overview
Glenn McTaggart, Department Manager, Management System, Nawah Energy Company (UAE) - 16.55: Discussion
Registration & Information Desk Closes
18.15 – 22.30
Canadian Experience Dinner, at the Canadian Museum of History * in Quebec
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Dinner sponsored by: Bruce Power
Entertainment sponsored by: AECOM
Dress code: Wear what makes you happy; denim acceptable
18.15: Shuttle Service – Departure from Westin Hotel for dinner – remember your dinner ticket!
Buses (supplied by 417 Bus Lines – look for the yellow school bus) will depart from the main entrance of the Westin Hotel beginning at 18.15 to take you to the Conference Dinner at the Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec, hosted by Bruce Power. The last bus will leave for the Museum at 19.00. The journey takes approximately 10 minutes. Please gather in the lobby of the Westin hotel and have your dinner ticket with you.
21.45: Shuttle Service – Return to Westin Hotel and Novotel Hotel
Buses will be available at the Museum for return to the Novotel and Westin Hotel beginning at 21.45. The last bus will depart at 22.30, if required.
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